My Work

Art and creation has become second nature for me. It began with a childhood love of drawing and crafts, drawing with the large collection of colored pencils and crayons my parents kept for me and sewing with the scraps of fabric my mother kept from old projects. I stayed in the 2D world for many years up until my second year of community college. Because of many inspiring people in my life, I began trying new mediums like pottery and jewelry making. I create my art with the intention to tell a story. It may not always be a clear story, but I believe even the smallest cup of tea left out during a rainy day because there are almost infinite stories that can be told with a single visual.


Born and raised in California, I am a fifth generation Japanese-American. I’ve been greatly influenced by my artistic family and cultural heritage. Currently a student at College of Marin, I am still attending art classes, trying to broaden my horizon and grow as an artist.

My favorite things in life are food, the ocean, and a cozy blanket with a hot cup of tea surrounded by my loving family.